Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Pleasant Sunday Afternoon

The PSA, (Pleasant Sunday Afternoon) was a reformer's answer to men languishing in the pubs and families left at home.

Until the day it closed it was only 1d (old penny) to get in and enjoy all the activities with a cup of tea and biscuits thrown in.

The building was on Market Street, just lower down than the junction with Union Street.

These photographs come courtesy of the Hydonian blog.

For a relic of the PSA see Hyde Daily Photo.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Herbert Allkin

Image scanned from "History of Hyde (St. George's) Church and Schools" by Thomas Middleton (1911).

Herbert Allkin was the first minister of St. George's Church. The former curate of Ashton under Lyne Parish Church was described as a man of fine appearance, a good preacher and reader belonging to the old school of Evangelical clergymen who wore a white "choker" neck-cloth and preached in a black gown and white bands.

His stipend at the start of his Hyde ministry in 1832 was only £50 per annum and to augment his income he started a private school in his residence at Hill Bank. This became a popular local educational institution. The Rev. Jas. Brooks, parson of Hyde Chapel (1806-1854) records in his diary that he sent his son to this school, after stipulating that the lad was not to be taught the Church catechism. He adds that the greatest harmony prevailed between Mr. Allkin and the ministers of other denominations. Once the congregation at St. George's had increased to the extent that the living provided a sufficient income for the minister, the school was closed.

During his incumbency the church building was completed and the Old School in Church Street was erected and opened as a Day and Sunday School. However, a dispute arose between the minister and several wealthy members of the congregation with the result that a number of leading laymen left to join the new church of St. Thomas, which had started in the Chartist Institute in 1846.

Herbert Allkin died in 1849 at the age of 49. He was interred at the East end of the church in a grave which now lies beneath the clergy vestry. Originally this was an altar tomb outwith the walls but when a new vestry was built in 1897, the slabs of the tomb were placed in an upright position and now form part of the vestry walls.

A photograph of the tomb can be seen on Hyde Daily Photo.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Captain Clarke

These images and this account of Captain Clarke are taken from The Annals of Hyde by Thomas Middleton. (1899)

CAPTAIN Hyde John Clarke was for a long period the leading spirit in public affairs in the neighbourhood of Hyde. He sat on the magisterial bench for four counties (Cheshire, Lancashire, Yorkshire, and Derbyshire), and was ever forward in any movement likely to tend to the general good. His prominence and popularity as a public man is evidenced by the fact that in 1839 the inhabitants of Hyde presented him with a handsome testimonial, in "recognition of his many services," and in order to show their regard for him, and for "his unwearied disinterestedness, impartiality, and affability." The testimonial took the form of plate, valued at 270 guineas, and on the tureen was this inscription:
"Presented with other pieces of plate to Hyde John Clarke, Esq., of Hyde Hall, Captain of the Royal Navy, by the inhabitants of Hyde and its vicinity, as a token of their regard for his long and valuable services, and of their high esteem for his private character. A.D. 1839."
As illustrative of the representative character of this presentation, it should be mentioned that the principal ministers of the Established Church, and of the Nonconformist bodies, together with influential members of both political parties, attended and spoke on the occasion, while the meeting, which took place in the Navigation Inn, is described by the newspapers as having lasted three hours, and being "a ceremony which in these excited and jealous times has hardly had its parallel."

The earlier portion of Captain Clarke's career was occupied by his naval duties. He joined the navy at Portsmouth on the 29th of June, 1791, at the age of fourteen, and was placed aboard the "Bedford" 74 guns, under Captain Sir A. Snape Hammond. One of his first duties was to provide three ropes with which to hang three men for mutiny. In 1793, he was removed to the "Duke" and served in the West Indies until the close of the year 1798, when he saw service in the North Seas on board the "Amphion," 32 guns, and the "Nassau," 64 guns. He became Lieutenant on December 31st, 1798, and subsequent to 1804 served on the "Antelope" and the "Powerful" in the North Seas and the East Indies. On the 13th June, 1806, he fought at the capture of the privateer, "La Henrietta" which result was effected after a running fight of two hours, and on the 9th July in the same year he aided in the capture of the French privateer, "La Bellone." He was invalided in August, 1807. Three years later he joined as senior the "Temeraire" for service in the Mediterranean, but prior to sailing was promoted to the rank of Commander. For a time he was on the safe-guard service in Liverpool.

After a distinguished career as an officer of the Royal Navy Captain Clarke settled in Hyde. The writer of a history of the Clarkes of Hyde and Swanswick tells us,
"After the death of the old Squire, Captain Clarke went to live at Hyde Hall, as manager of the estates, at the request of his half-brother George, who preferred to remain in America, in the spacious house called Hyde Hall, on the banks of the lake of Otsego, where he had a large estate left him by his great uncle George".
Another writer says,
"After ploughing the deep the Captain soon fell into his new sphere and ploughed the land. He took great interest in the colliers and workhands at the mills. He was an early riser, and his great delight was to meet them as they came down the private road from Haughton to the mills in Hyde, and to have a chat with them. He deemed it only right that they should be supplied with the produce of the land at as cheap a rate as possible, and on the same principle he kept about 20 cows, the "fore milk" being sold in the (then) village, while the "afterings" was all churned by a small steam engine, and he had his own private mark upon the butter".
From the time of his settlement in Hyde to his removal from the town, Captain Clarke was in every sense the grand old man of the place. He was the principal figure at most public assemblies both in Hyde and in the neighbouring towns, and in the newspapers of the day his name is constantly found as that of a leader of public opinion in these portions of Lancashire and Cheshire. Few magistrates played so conspicuous a part in the great industrial agitation of the thirties and forties, and certainly none exhibited the same degree of coolness, or won the general regard of all parties as did Captain Clarke. Throughout the Chartists' risings he was constantly in request, and to his efforts the satisfactory termination of many unpleasant incidents was mainly due. More than once, as was to be expected, his loyalty and devotion to duty brought upon him the odium of the ring-leaders of the rioters, and sinister threats were hurled at his head. But the Captain through all remained the same fearless, open-hearted, English seaman, with an old fashioned idea of the dignity of his public position, and of the responsibility that position entailed. His loyalty to duty was proverbial and probably no man feared the consequences less than he.

Captain Clarke for many years lived at Hyde Hall and had a family of nine children, only one of whom has survived, Mr. John Clarke, of Brook House, Oswestry, who has supplied the writer with much interesting matter concerning the early history of Hyde. Among other things of interest is the following extract from one of his letters which shows the prominence of Captain Clarke's position as a magistrate and a leading public man, besides throwing a side-light on one very important event of local history.

Mr. Clarke writes:
"I remember well the murder of Thos. Ashton. We were at supper and I happened to look out through the window; my sailor father did not like the blinds down so that he might "study" the stars - and saw someone hastening up the front court. Soon after there was a furious knocking at the front door that startled most of us and the man came in to ask my father to go up to Pole Bank. My mother did not wish him to go, for Stephens, I think it was, had said, "Mrs. Clarke would make a nice widow." You know my father was very active at the time. The man said, 'Captain, if you will give me your little book, I will swear this is the blood of Thomas Ashton on my hands.' After that he went, and I think called for Mr. Chorlton, Magistrate's Clerk, who lived at Wood End."
It is worthy of note that Captain Clarke's activity in suppressing the spirit of riot and lawlessness which was so rife about this period, won him the thanks of the war office and of the Earl of Stamford, and he was widely looked up to as one of the principal forces for the maintenance of law and order in the cotton district.

Among other striking incidents of Captain Clarke's career, was his connection with Louis Napoleon on the occasion of the latter's visit to Manchester, in 1839. The Prince carried letters of introduction to Captain Clarke, who stayed with the party at the Royal Hotel in Manchester. The Royal guests inspected several mills in the district, and attended a dramatic representation of one of Charles Dickens' novels, at the Theatre Royal.

Captain Clarke devoted much attention to the immediate social and religious needs of his own town. He was the moving spirit in the erection of St. George's Church, obtaining the gift of the site from his half-brother George. He also was mainly instrumental in securing the means wherewith to build, and for a long time was the principal supporter of the edifice. In politics Captain Clarke was a staunch Conservative, and was a prominent figure and a leading speaker at most of the great meetings in Lancashire and Cheshire. His removal from Hyde to Llangollen was felt as a great loss to the community, and his death in 1857 was deeply regretted. There was, perhaps, no greater favourite with all classes about Hyde than Captain Clarke. He is still widely spoken of with great feeling, and his memory will go down to future generations as that of an upright, honest man, who strove to live up to the highest ideal of an English gentleman.

Captain Clarke married, in 1808, Ann Joyce, of Whitchurch, by whom he had issue
  • Hyde, b. 1813, d. 1858, buried at Swanawick, Jamaica.
  • Edward, b 1815, d. 1874, buried in St. George's Churchyard, Hyde.
  • Henry, b. 1816, d. 1855, buried at Llantysilio, Denbighshire.
  • John, b. 1820, still living at Oswestry.
  • Sophia Ann (Peacock), b. 1809. d. 1879, buried at St. Peter's, Ashton-u-Lyne.
  • Sarah, b. 1810, buried in St. George's Church, Hyde.
  • Emma Beetenson (Cocks), b. 1811, d. 1846, buried at St. Peter's Oldham.
  • Elizabeth Mary, b. 1825, d. 1841, buried in St. George's Church, Hyde.
  • Fanny, b. 1828, d. 1874, buried in St. George's Church, Hyde.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Hoviley Brow before the motorway came

This photograph first appeared here in August 2007.

It shows Hoviley Brow, near the Dye Works which is now home to ABC Wax.

The houses were demolished by the 1970s and the ground covered by the M67 Motorway.

About the only thing still standing is the factory chimney. It would have been dirtier then and not carrying mobile-phone relay masts!

See how it looks now on Hyde Daily Photo.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

War Hill Cross

This photograph © Frank Bennett first appeared on the Images of England site and is republished here with permission.

Date Photographed: 21st August 2000.
SJ 99 NE LONGDENDALE WAR HILL 4/87 Cross - G.V. II Cross. Medieval in origin but heavily restored in 1760 and 1897. Ashlar. Stepped circular ashlar plinth inscirbed "Restored in commemoration of the sixtieth year of the reign of Queen Victoria 1897". Octagonal shaft on moulded base has foliated capital and supports a cubical sundial with 3 copper faces. The front face is inscribed "hora pars vitae", the rear "and watch and pray time hastes away when time is done eternity comes on".
See my own photograph from 2009 and more information on Hyde Daily Photo Vol.1.

For more W posts visit ABC Wednesday.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Mrs Bell's Fish & Chip Shop

An old advert for Mrs Bell's fish and chip shop at 49 Dowson Road.

It is still a takeaway - see Hyde Daily Photo.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Godley Hall Inn

This photograph taken in August 1999 by Frank Bennett and reproduced here with his permission, first appeared on the Images of England site.

A grade II listed house which is now a public house.
"ICE 1718" on door lintel. Squared rubble with graduated stone slate roof and brick stacks. 3-bay 2-storey plan, the original door position, (now on the rear) suggests a baffle-entry. A 2-storey stair wing at the rear (now the front) is used as a porch and C20 additions have been added to each end. 3 window openings on each floor totalling three 2-light double-chamfered mullion windows (2 with hoodmoulds and all with mullions removed) 2 plain casement openings and a round-headed light. The porch has 2 similar round-headed lights, projecting plinth, an off-centre door, and a coped gable with kneelers and a ball finial. 2 ridge stacks and a later door to the right. The blocked door to the rear has a moulded surround and finely carved dated lintel. 3-light double-chamfered window and a single storey wing of a slightly later date. Interior much altered.
Recent photographs of Godley Hall Inn can be found on Hyde Daily Photo and Hyde DP Xtra.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Queen Adelaide's Donation

"The Highland Shepherdess" is one of nine pieces of needlework worked by Queen Adelaide herself and donated to a bazaar held in 1835 to raise funds for a school in Hyde. It was purchased by a member of the Tinker family and passed down through the family into the possession of Margaret (Peggy) Tinker. She has generously passed this artefact into the custody of St George's Church.

The church hope to have it restored in due course.

Queen Adelaide was born in 1792. She married William, Duke of Clarence in 1818. He reigned as King William IV from 1830 until 1837. Queen Adelaide died in 1849.

An enriched photograph of the tapestry can be found on Hyde Daily Photo.

Details from the frame can be found on Hyde DP Xtra.

For more "Q" posts this week visit ABC Wednesday.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Mechanics Intitute

Hyde Mechanics Institute was founded in 1850. It was built on the former site of Hyde Lane Independent Chapel, which was purchased by Mr. Benjamin Goodfellow (the founder of an engineering works on Mottram Road), and converted into a Mechanics' Institute and then generously handed over to trustees. Classes for teaching elementary subjects were held regularly every winter. There was also a reading room and a small library attached, lectures were given at intervals by noted men.

The old building was succeeded in 1861 by the building shown above. Part of the expense of the new building was met by a public subscription and a series of Penny Readings helped to wipe off the debt of £1,200 with which the building opened. The Mechanics' Institute played an important part in the development of old Hyde, particularly in the education of general knowledge among the working classes. In 1894 it was transferred to Hyde Corporation, and became the precursor of the Technical School and Library.

More information can be found on Hyde Cheshire.

The present building was opened in 1897, see Hyde Daily Photo.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

St George's 1840

The earliest known picture of St George's dates back to 1840. It was found recently in a distressed state and fragments were carefully pieced together and stuck on a mount.

I took a photograph of this and then used PaintShop Pro to remove blemishes and restore the colour. Here is the result.

In the foreground is a horse-drawn barge on the Peak Forest Canal. Midground is the valley of the Gower Hey Brook before it became filled with trees, houses and allotments. The artist appears to have taken a little license with the tallness of the tower.

You can view the original distressed picture on Hyde DP Xtra.

A modern view of the church is on Hyde Daily Photo.

Friday, 15 April 2011

J & T Fowden - Undertakers on Hamnet Street

I found this old advert in a book. It must date from the 1890s as a notice in the London Gazette [pdf file] dated 28th June 1901 states
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, James Fowden, of 57, Brook-street, Hyde, in the county of Chester, Funeral Undertaker, and Thomas Fowden, of 3, Hamnett-street, Hyde aforesaid, Funeral Undertaker, carrying on business as Funeral Undertakers at 3, Hamnett-street, Hyde aforesaid, under the style or firm of "J. and T. Fowden," has be«n dissolved by mutual consent as and from the 24th day of June, 1901. All debts due to and owing by the said late firm will be received and paid by the said Thomas Fowden, who will continue to carry on the said business at the same address in his own name only.—Dated this 24th day of June, 1901.
The water board were recently digging a hole outside but I don't know how deep they dug.

You can view the hole on Hyde Daily Photo and the roadworks on Hyde DP Xtra.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Hattersley Cutting 1951

Photograph © Ben Brooksbank.

Taken on 28th July 1951 at Hattersley Cutting, with the Cleethorpes - Manchester express passing through.

The view is Eastward towards Broadbottom, Woodhead and Sheffield along the ex-Great Central Manchester - Sheffield main line, which since July 1981 was cut back to a local line just to Hadfield. The masts for the electrification had been erected in 1939 but electrification was not complete until the New Woodhead Tunnel was opened in June 1954. The very deep cutting used to be two tunnels until they were opened out in 1931. The train is the 09.27 Cleethorpes - Manchester London Road, headed by B1 4-6-0 No. 61160.

See how it looks nearly 60 years later on Hyde Daily Photo.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Albion Oil Works (updated)

Frederick Wild manufactured all kinds of cog and waterwheel greases at the Albion Oil Works which I thought was on Albion Street.

Albion street was demolished in the late 1990s and the area transformed into the Croft Millennium Green.

See how it looks now on Hyde Daily Photo.

I've since discovered that works was not located on Albion Street but was on John Street behind the Albion pub.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

American Football at Ewen Fields

Photographs © Peter Moore.

These photographs were taken at a match between Manchester Spartans and Fylde Falcons on Sunday, 28 May, 1989. Final result was Manchester 28 Fylde 20.

In 1986, Hyde United had taken the radical step of selling Ewen Fields to Tameside Council so that a synthetic Baspograss pitch could be laid. The ground was also used to host American Football as seen here. The ground returned to grass in 1995.

Peter writes
"After completing the regular season 9 and 1 Manchester Spartans went on to win the Britball that year beating the Birmingham Bulls 21 - 14 in the final. I was supporting Fylde and recall that their American players were QB Cliff Walker and DE Jeff Christmann. Fylde finished the season 6 and 4 then lost in the first round of the playoffs to the London Ravens.

I also saw Accrington Stanley play against Hyde around that period and can safely say that the crowd for the American Football game was quite a bit bigger, probably because it was a sunny Sunday afternoon rather than a wet Tuesday evening in January."

See also A brief history of Hyde FC.

Photos of the laying of the artificial pitch can by found on Hyde Cheshire; part 1 and part 2.

Visit Peter Moore's website.

Monday, 21 February 2011

Mottram Congregational Church

This photograph, © Frank Bennett, first appeared on the Images of England site and is republished here with permission.

Date Photographed: 21st August 2000.

The official description is
SJ 99 NE LONGDENDALE STALYBRIDGE ROAD (west side) 4/85 Mottram Congregational 19.7.79 Church - II Chapel. 1791, altered 1836 and 1852. Stone plinth, rendered walls, slate roof and hammer-dressed stone wing of 1852. 3 bays with outshut to rear and small later wing to right. The only external features are 3 round-headed windows with keystones and a plaque recording the name of the church. Interior much altered. Principal interest is historical as it was built as a Methodist meeting house, changed to the New Connexion in 1803 and to a Congregational church in c.1850. It is said to be the oldest surviving Methodist chapel in the Manchester area which is still in use as a place of worship.
See my recent photograph on Hyde Daily Photo.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

The Market Place Fountain

The fountain on the corner of Market Place and Market Street was presented to the Corporation by the Total Abstainers of the Borough in 1888.

Its remains now stand in Hyde Park near the children's play area, as you can see at Hyde Daily Photo.

The CDPB theme today is "Fountains": Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Crown Pole Mottram

This photograph, © Frank Bennett, first appeared on the Images of England site and is republished here with permission.

Date Photographed: 02 September 2000.

The official description reads
SJ 99 NE LONGDENDALE MARKET PLACE 4/66 Crown Pole 1.11.66 G.V. II Pole bearing light pendants, weather-vane and sign posts. Originally erected 1760 for the coronation of George III but replaced in 1902 and again in 1926. Stepped circular stone base inscribed "Re-newed by Lord Tallomache kings crowning 1902". The tapering cast iron pole records "pole renewed Harold Chapmans J.P. c.c. February, 1926". Topped by a weather-cock.
See my own photograph on Hyde Daily Photo.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Old Post Office Farm

This photograph, © Frank Bennett, first appeared on the Images of England site and is republished here with permission.

Date Photographed: 02 September 2000.

The official description is
LONGDENDALE BACK LANE SJ 99 NE (west side) 4/43 No. 2 (Old Post 1.11.66 Office Farm) G.V. II Includes left hand bay only of No. 50 MARKET STREET (west side) which was formerly part of the same house. House, "NWM 1694" (Nicholas and Martha Wagstaffe) on door lintel. Squared coursed rubble with graduated stone slate roof and brick stack. 2-bay baffle-entry plan with 2 storeys, a 2- story porch,one room in depth and a slightly later wing added to rear. Stone plinth and quoins. Symmetrical facade with 5-light house-part window (with 3 mullions removed) and three 3-light windows (one with mullions removed) all with double-chamfered stone mullions. The central porch has an off-centre chamfered door surround, a round-headed first floor light, an owl hole and dove holes, and coped gable with kneelers and ball finials. Central ridge chimney stack. Rear has 2 windows with mullion removed. Round- headed attic gable light. Interior has a wattle and daub timber-framed partition on 2 floors.
See my own photograph on Hyde Daily Photo.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

4 Back Lane

This photograph, © Frank Bennett, first appeared on the Images of England site and is republished here with permission.

Date Photographed: 02 September 2000.

The official description reads
LONGDENDALE BACK LANE SJ 99 NE (west side) 4/44 No. 4 20.4.77 G.V. II House now shop. C18. Squared rubble, graduated stone slate roof and brick stack. l-bay, double-depth with 2 storeys. Stone plinth. Door to right with square-cut stone surround, window to left and small window with glazing bars on first floor. Gable chimney stack. Included for group value.
See my own photograph on Hyde Daily Photo.

Monday, 3 January 2011

Mottram Courthouse

This photograph, © Frank Bennett, first appeared on the Images of England site and is republished here with permission.

Date Photographed: 02 September 2000.

The official description reads
SJ 99 NE LONGDENDALE MARKET PLACE (north-west side) 4/68 Mottram Court 1.11.66 House G.V. II Court house, now Longdendale Information and Advice Office. Second quarter C19. Hammer-dressed stone with hipped slate roof. 1 x 3 bays with the court room on the first floor above what was formerly a carriage house, now the information office. Stone plinth and quoins, first floor sill band, stone eaves cornice. Door to left with 4-panel door, square-cut surround, fanlight and keystone. Windows to either side (one small and one large) and one first floor all with round heads keystones and sash windows. 2 blocked round-arched carriage entrys to left side with carved keystones. Window and door to right as above. Lateral chimney stack. A drinking fountain on the front commemorates the installation of a piped water supply in 1888.
See my own photograph on Hyde Daily Photo.