Tuesday, 21 August 2007

near the Dye Works

This old street taken approx 50 years ago lay to the East of the town, near the Dye Works which is now home to ABC Wax.

The houses were demolished by the 1970s and the ground covered by the M67 Motorway.

About the only thing still standing is the factory chimney. It would have been dirtier then and not carrying mobile-phone relay masts!


  1. Hi Gerald - the first lampost on the left looks to be in roughly the same spot that you took this picture:-

  2. I think the roof of the lodge is visable in this picture as well... I must nip down and have a look.

  3. I just love old photos like this! I would never guess this would become a motor speedway. Nice story and thanks for letting me know about the bum link.

  4. Would this be a continuation of Clarendon Road? A friend of mine who lives here in Dorset was born in the Aspland Maternity Home and he asked me to go and look at the house he lived in but I couldn't find it as the ones near the part start at about no 50 - I just wonder if these are the single numbered ones further down.

  5. lizzy -- no this is where Commerical Street is now.

  6. Is this the dye-works near the old Grammar School? If so, I can smell it yet!


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