Monday, 4 February 2008

1925 Hyde Seals Women

The Hyde Seals Water Polo Team from 1904-06 were the world champions and a sculpture honouring their achievement was unveiled outside the Town Hall in 2007.

This picture from 1925 shows a group of girl members of the club.


  1. Gerald, this is not the women's polo team but a groupd of girl members of the club. Seated at the extreme right of the second row is my sister, May Downs, who some seven years later won the Cheshire Ladies 200 Freestyle Championship.

  2. Thanks downsie21 for this information - I've amended the post accordingly.

  3. Love this series of old photographs. Great idea.

  4. I was so glad when the statue was erected for this fine club fom Hyde... Hyde as had a few knocks but it is people and their achievements like this that should be shouted from the rooftops about what Hyde once was and what Hyde could be again.
    Why not do some posts Gerald on famous Hyde people.
    Trevor Grimeshaw (Artist)
    Harry Rutherford (Artist)

    Pictures from both these fine artists hang in many a gallary and private collections. I was lucky to a friend of Trevors and to have met Harry, in fact Harry drew me a few times while sitting in the Albion public house while drinking a bottled guinness. I worked behind the bar at that time and all the bar staff had they pictures drew off Harry.

  5. Fine photo.
    You're lucky to get comments from people able to recognize who was shot.

  6. The youngster on the left at the front(lying down) is my mum.Olive. later to become a swimming champion at Hyde Seal, and one of the people who unveiled the 'seal' statue!
    Am I proud of her or what?

  7. The youngster on the left at the front(lying down) is my mum.Olive. later to become a swimming champion at Hyde Seal, and one of the people who unveiled the 'seal' statue!
    Am I proud of her or what?


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