Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Pole Bank Hall

Pole Bank Hall was the family home of the Ashton family.

More information can be found on my Pole Bank Perambulation at Ackworth born, gone West.

Recent pictures of the pond can also be seen on Hyde Daily Photo and my photoblog Sithenah.

To visit more ABC-Wednesday posts go to Mrs. Nesbitt's Place.


  1. I love the black and white. Makes me want to come and visit.
    Mine are posted!
    Neva 1
    Neva 2

  2. All the way back then.....
    I`ve been going back in time, following your links.... ;)


  3. Great photo Gerald.

    Pop over and see my Pot If you quick you can have the 2nd

  4. Very nice P! Love that the photo are in black and white.

    Have fun:)

  5. These photos you keep posts of yesteryear Hyde are quite something. The information with each post and links too are a joy to read.

  6. Thanks for sharing great information and photos of these lovely places.
    kathy b

  7. Hi Gerald, I have always had a great fondness for this house and gardens... I spent many happy hours here. I still walk the grounds and gardens now. My Sister as the Ashton Family Bible, she bought it for a few pennies from a jumble sale in Gee Cross in the 1960's.. All our family spent parts of our life as children playing here.

  8. i have a photo of an impressive gravestone of a thomas seeley, of polebank hall, who died june 5, 1908 and that of his wife, elizabeth......
    the garve is totally covered by floral tributes, and i suspect dates from about 1910.
    can anyone shed any light on this family, who must have taken over from the ashtons...???


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