Thursday, 4 September 2008

Haymaking at Dove Farm 1913

Dove Farm, built in 1675 and enlarged in 1781, is said to be haunted by hounds. It is in the Godley Green area, but I don't have a modern photograph.

This haystack (click on picture for a larger view) was set on fire on Thursday, 4th September 1913 and was still burning the following Tuesday.


  1. That is has made me think of the harvest fetival each year at school. That and the dreadful september downpoor.

  2. haunted by hounds? dogs? Never heard of canine ghosts!

  3. is the farm at the bottom of green lane in gee cross?

  4. amy - it is somewhere near Green Lane but I don't know its precise location.

  5. Sadly the farm was demolished in the 1970s. Our old farm (Godley Green Farm) was next to Dove House. It was at the bottom of Green Lane. The ghostly tale I was told as a boy was of a rocking chair and a murder.

    Bill Shaw

  6. My great aunt lives at Godley Green Farm and as children were told of the hauntings. Even now in the living room, which is wood panelled and centrally heated, is still cold in the far corner! There has been a few incidents over the years, one being, the cooker being found in the centre of the kitchen in the morning! Even walking into the house sends goose-pimples up your spine. Amy

  7. hi just looked at the photo just would like to ask if you know any thing on stanley house ellis street godley from the 1913 thank
    mr c griffiths


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