Sunday, 1 July 2012

The Lumn

This image is from The Annals of Hyde according to which
Probably the oldest house in Hyde is "The Lumn" homestead of the Shepleys. Purchased in 1612 from Sir Uryan Legh, of Adlington, "The Lumn" estate became the property of Richard Shepley, whose direct descendants continue to hold it. This estate is said to have received its somewhat uncommon cognomen from the fact that the homestead erected thereon was then the only house near that boasted a chimney. On that account it was named "The Lumn."

The Lumn was located in front St Thomas Church bordered by Tom Shepley St, Orchard St and Lumn Road.

A contribution to the CDPB theme day, Chimneys.

1 comment:

  1. What an original proposal for the theme day. Well done, thanks for sharing and have a good week.


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