Sunday, 31 May 2009

St Andrew's Whit Walk

On Friday I showed you United Methodist Sunday School preparing for their Whit Walk.

Today we see St Andrew's Church on John Street.

It was a mission church and according to The Annals of Hyde
Mission work in the St. Andrew's district was begun in 1874 in the Temperance Hall, by the Revs. W. H. White, Dudley, Diggs, and Dr. Smith. Success attending the movement, the present buildings were erected in 1875. For a time Dr. Smith had sole charge of the budding church, but in 1885 it was again taken over by the Rev. W. H. White, and the Rev. D. S. Bowen became Curate-in-Charge. During his time the purchase of the building was completed; whilst a fund for providing an endowment (towards which the Bishop of Chester's Fund granted £1,000) was completed by locally raised sums in 1897. In 1893 the Rev. M. Wilson, M. A., succeeded Mr. Bowen, and was in turn succeeded in 1896 by the Rev. W. Graham, under whom many improvements have been effected. The present curate is the Rev. J. Lawton.
Remnants of John Street remain both North and South of the M67 but the motorway destroyed the middle of it.


  1. though not formally arranged in a group, everyone is smiling or aware of the camera. Today no one notices....nice history there.

  2. Nice to see these two posting Gerald.. I'm so glad you are finding that book of interest. I have read it cover to cover... the one I have a hard copy of is an update of the one I sent you the link to.

    My blogs: Wiggers World and Pictures & Words


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