Friday, 29 May 2009

Whit Walks: United Methodists

Last year on Whit Friday I brought you a photograph of the walkers outside St George's Church and I also posted a view of walkers in Gee Cross.

This year I am bringing you the United Methodist Sunday School, George Street.

I don't know the age of the photograph, and I wasn't sure of the whereabouts of George Street which is not marked on modern A-Z atlases.

According to The Annals of Hyde
In the year 1830 the (Methodist New) Connexion commenced work in Hyde, a small room in Cross Street being used for religious worship. In 1833, the Church had grown sufficiently to warrant the erection of a small chapel in George Street. The leading spirit in the movement about that time seems to have been a Mr. John Leech. A Sunday school was formed and this appears to have strengthened the church. Progress continuing, the large George Street Chapel was erected in 1858. The old schools were replaced in 1885 by the present spacious building adjoining the chapel.
I've recently learnt that George Street was completely obliterated by the building of the M67 motorway.


  1. George st was demolished to make way for the motorway it ran from the bottom of hoviley brow straight up to newton st near ashton brothers it had shops,pubs churches, and ran alongside the old bus station
    hope this helps
    kind regards
    susan smith

  2. I live in one of the 5 cottages (formerly known as Pole Bank cottages) between Pole Bank and Pear Farm. I am trying to find any old photos of these cottages ad have looked high and low without success. Any ideas?

    Kind regards, Stuart Redfearn -


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